Utah Tech University

Training provided to UT Title IX team

Hearing Officer / Hearing Panelist

August 13 & 14, 2020 Agenda

Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Title IX | University of Utah Training Material

Rebecca Veidlinger Hearing Officer Training Material

Global Title IX Training

May 18, 2020, NACUA Program Schedule
Title IX: The Department of Education’s Final Rule on Sexual Harassment

  1. Opening
  2. Status of the Regulations
  3. Jurisdiction
    1. Definitions
    2. Actual Knowledge
    3. Program or activity
    4. “Must terminate”
  4. Q&A
  5. Process
    1. Emergency Removals
    2. Cross Examination
    3. Standard of Evidence
    4. Appeals
  6. Specific Issues Related to Employees
  7. Communication with Stakeholders
  8. Implementation
  9. Conclusion


Investigator Training

Deputy & Interim TIX Coordinator Training

Administrative Training

Training facilitated by the Utah Attorney General’s Office to the following University stakeholders:

  • University Counsel Members
  • Athletic Administrators and Coaches
  • Title IX Committee
  • Academic Department Chairs and Program Coordinators
  • Refresher training to encourage reporting for various teams on campus.

Click Here for slides.

Advisor Training

UT Q4, 2020 Advisor Training

  • Training for those serving as advisors in matters involving Sexual Harassment
  • Regulatory definitions
  • The role of an advisor
  • The Title IX process
  • Ethical considerations
  • Title IX Live Hearings

Click here for Advisor Training slides.



Advisor Cross Examination Guide

TIX Coordinator Training



NACUA’s Title IX Coordinator Training Online Course is a blend of self-paced and instructor-led modules. Once registered, students are able to view the pre-recorded webinars in the course modules at their convenience – at home, the office, or anywhere there is a connection to the Internet. Live classes will give students the opportunity to interact with their instructors. These classes will not be recorded. 

Fundamentals of the August 2020 Regulatory Requirements (pre-recorded webinars)

MODULE 1:  Jurisdiction and Other Threshold Topics

  • Definition of Sexual Harassment
  • To Whom do the Regulations Apply? Applicability of Regulations to Students and Employees (Title VII)
  • When and Where do the Regulations Apply?
  • Implementation Issues
  • Required Institutional Response to a Report

MODULE 2:  Formal Complaints, Investigations & Grievance Procedures

  • The Formal Complaint
  • Written Notice of Allegations
  • Dismissal of Formal Complaints
  • Advisors
  • Informal Resolution
  • Relevancy Determinations and more

MODULE 3: Policy & Training Obligations

  • Dissemination of Policy
  • Elements to be Included in Your Policy
  • Policy Decision Points
  • Required Training

Module 4: Definitions, Jurisdiction and Preliminary Matters

  • Important definitions, including the definition of “sexual harassment” for Title IX purposes
  • Title IX jurisdictional issues, including the scope of an institution’s programs or activities
  • The filing of a formal complaint
    Mandatory and discretionary dismissals of formal complaints
  • Providing supportive measures, including to both complainants and respondents
  • Planning for and implementing informal resolution

Virtual Class One Slides

Module 5: Conducting a Title IX Investigation

  • The applicability of the Title IX regulations to investigations when employees are involved
  • Conducting an investigation of a formal complaint
  • Ensuring impartiality and avoiding conflicts of interest, bias and prejudgment
  • Understanding relevance
  • Addressing conduct that violates other policies or policy provisions

Virtual Class Two Slides

Module 6: The Grievance Process, Hearings & Appeals

  • Ensuring due process and fundamental fairness
  • Making credibility determinations
  • Advisors and their role within the grievance process
  • Producing written determinations
  • The appeal process

Virtual Class Three Slides 

Module 7: Anatomy of an OCR Investigation

  • What to expect
  • How to respond
  • Resolution options
  • Litigation

Virtual Class Four Slides

NACUA Certification